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Groups & Activities

Just like flowers in a garden cross pollinate, we grow best in community with one another. We learn from each other and add color to each other’s lives. A central part of our ministry is group activity, whether it be weekly prayer groups, Bible study, weekly exercise groups, arts and entertainment events, family craft days or another activity. Just like a garden, we begin with seeds, starting small, with perhaps one kind of plant and expand into more variety and colors over time as ideas and skills develop. We look forward to how this ministry will grow and more groups and activities will form as life blooms in what is planted.

Power Prayerenting

Praying Hands

Does it seem like you are struggling to climb out of a mudslide your children have pushed you in, or stranded with wild animals on an island all by yourself, doing this thing called, “Parenting” while you watch other families climb happily out of their pristine white mini-vans with smiling, sparkling children who dance off into the sunset? Power Prayerenting is just the place for you. It is a place where you can be real, be yourself, and not feel that pressure. Once a week, seasoned parents along with parents just like you, will meet for one hour in a group with you to pray with you for your children, and share Scriptural promises that will be powerful support for you to arm you for your week. You can share life’s struggles and blessings together and build each other up so you can be the best parents possible for your situation. You do not have to do this alone! See our calendar to find out when we meet. Children’s exercise program available at the same time geared to ages 5-10.


In Control

Kids in Church

Young children are growing and fidgety and often still learning how to have self-control and anger management. They need to be taught boundaries and healthy expression of emotion so they can communicate in effective ways that will help their relationships at home and outside of the home. Kids In Control helps children learn to be in control of their thoughts, actions, bodies, words, and emotions. Meeting for one hour weekly, the program talks about expressing anger, setting and keeping healthy boundaries, and learning how to work together with others cooperatively using healthy communication and conflict resolution skills such as the Sandwich Method, helpful thinking and phrasing, the Twenty-Second rule and other effective tools. A variety of materials will be used including the Bible, Boundaries with Kids, What to Do When Your Temper Flares, Skills Training for Children with Behavior… and more. This ongoing support group will facilitate learning through group discussion, activity, arts and crafts and games. An adult exercise program will be held during this group so the parents may take a break. See our calendar to find out when we meet.



Friends Working Out

Faith-Filled Fitness will offer christian alternatives to activities like yoga, zumba, and dance.God made our bodies to be relieved of stress through movement. We also are relieved when we cast our cares on Him. Faith-Filled Fitness is a combination of exercise, prayer, praise and worship. We invite Him into all we do. "In Him we live and move and have our being." Acts 17:28

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